Exhibit A. The Comb Over
Comb Over: "a hairstyle worn by bald or balding men in which the hair on one side of the head is grown long and then combed over the bald area to minimize the display of baldness"
In the picture we see evidence of a comb over, notice the upper forehead. There is a large body of hair that appears to be combed to the right, to avoid an apparent balding area, by definition, a comb over.
I have come to the conclusion that the 'comb over' is a large contributor to the smugness of the suspect in question. Smugness can be described as "excessive complacency or self-satisfaction" Now what does this have to do with a comb over you ask? By referring you to the next picture I can correlate exhibit A" the 'comb over' too smugness.
Notice Adolf Hitler. Undoubtedly the most complacent, self-satisfying man ever to exist on the face of the earth.I now direct you to my method of reasoning:
Hitler => Comb over, Rudd => Comb over, Rudd => Smug, Hitler => Smug, Therefore Comb over =>Smug
Now before you congratulate me on my highly evolved reasoning I now direct your attention to exhibit B.
Exhibit B. Smirk
Lets define smirk shall we: "A smirk (from the Old English amercian, "smile") refers to a smile evoking insolence, scorn, or offensive smugness. "A constant smirk upon the face, and a whiffling activity of the body, are strong indications of futility,"
Pay attention to my cat in the hat reasoning: Rudd Smirk, smirk smug, smug smirk, smirk Rudd.
Finally I invoke this picture of another smug figure.