Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eat whale! Save krill!

(Picture by Rozina Vavetsi, Greece)

Yes. I’m one of the most authentic animal activists you will ever meet. I am sick and tired of self righteous douche bags trying to give me a lesson on animal rights, when they dwindle in the bottomless pit of hypocrisy.

Sure, it’s very fashionable in the west to save all the fuzzy wuzzy animals, but who’s left fighting for the ugly little guys?

It appears that the animal movement primarily wants to treat second order mammals as equal to us, but when it comes to lower order ugly animals, they don’t really care!…disagree? How many people, do you know fight for the plight of Krill?

Please read the following excerpt taken from an animal rights website:

“Issues that are related to well being apply equally to both animals and humans. In principle there is no difference between man and animal when it concerns important aspects of well being and this fact should be given expression by acknowledging the right of freedom for both animal and man.”

This is a core belief within the animal rights movement, so allow me to enlighten you by taking their reasoning further…If it’s completely logical for a whale’s wellbeing to be treated as equal to a human’s, despite unequivocal disparities in brain capacity, then one must surrender to the rationale that the Krill’s wellbeing must be treated as equal to the whales!

It is more than apparent that animal activists, have conveniently forgotten this progression of their own reasoning; especially when it comes to the plight of the krill. Not only is this a stab in the gut for these poor critters, but to add insult to injury, these animal activists (ani-Nazies, or Krillo-caust deniers as I like to call them), have expressed explicit support for whales.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that
good men do nothing." -
Edmund Burke

Well I’ll be dammed! What happens when supposedly good people indirectly support the krillocide!

I have the utmost respect for the Japanese position in all of this. Not only have they seen through the flawed morals of animal rights groups, they have even have taken it upon themselves to eat whales in a bid to stop the slaughter. By eating this incredibly stale, dull and smelly meat, they are doing their part to curb the ongoing krillo-caust. I can only applaud the altruistic nature of the Japanese, because their doing this at the expense of their diplomatic standing with other countries.

For those of you who are reading this, and genuinely care about animals, I implore you to eat whale and save krill!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Smug Analysis

I often ponder why Kevin Rudd comes across as smug, it's a trait that makes me cringe at the best of times. To gain an understanding we must dissect this photo.

Exhibit A. The Comb Over

Comb Over: "a hairstyle worn by bald or balding men in which the hair on one side of the head is grown long and then combed over the bald area to minimize the display of baldness"

In the picture we see evidence of a comb over, notice the upper forehead. There is a large body of hair that appears to be combed to the right, to avoid an apparent balding area, by definition, a comb over.

I have come to the conclusion that the 'comb over' is a large contributor to the smugness of the suspect in question. Smugness can be described as "excessive complacency or self-satisfaction" Now what does this have to do with a comb over you ask? By referring you to the next picture I can correlate exhibit A" the 'comb over' too smugness.

Notice Adolf Hitler. Undoubtedly the most complacent, self-satisfying man ever to exist on the face of the earth.I now direct you to my method of reasoning:

Hitler => Comb over, Rudd => Comb over, Rudd => Smug, Hitler => Smug, Therefore Comb over =>Smug

Now before you congratulate me on my highly evolved reasoning I now direct your attention to exhibit B.

Exhibit B. Smirk

Lets define smirk shall we: "A smirk (from the Old English amercian, "smile") refers to a smile evoking insolence, scorn, or offensive smugness. "A constant smirk upon the face, and a whiffling activity of the body, are strong indications of futility,"

Pay attention to my cat in the hat reasoning: Rudd Smirk, smirk smug, smug smirk, smirk Rudd.

Finally I invoke this picture of another smug figure.


Yes. The Pope looks creepy

Yes. This is the man entrusted with the task of repackaging the catholic church into a more user friendly business. In fact, take away all the religious symbolism or bullshit as i like to call, and what's left is an old codger holding a pole with a dying man pinned to a cross! Creepy! This brings me to my First rule.

Rodz0r Rule No. 1: Creepy people can't hug children

I'm yet to see angels and demons but i envision it looking something like this, oh the horror!

The Unleashing

In this well developed western society, us humans face an internal war. Disturbed by the primal need to conform, one must display certain acts of individuality to distract themselves from the sad reality that we want and need to be just like everyone else...Now what better way to express my individuality than creating my own blog!

Let’s get some things sorted.

1. My blog is infallible. It’s my blog and everything in My blog is 100% correct and not open to any debate...That’s right, I'm right you're wrong..My blog My Rules...don’t like it...

2. You may know a certain person named Roddy in real life, a nice polite 20 year old, who wouldn't hurt a fly, open to intellectual reason..completely fallible (guh what a douche bag). Those who have known Roddy a long time, has become aware of this fools internet alter ego, ME Rodz0r! RAAAARGGGGGRRR!!!!!! We are in no way responsible for each others thoughts, and that’s how we like it!

3. let’s get it straight here and now I don’t like you I think you are scum and if I could I would without hesitation banish you to the primordial gunk you came from that’s right no full stops or commas in that paragraph hah! take that as a symbol of my affection.